Anchored in Hope Podcast – Thursdays
Thank you for joining me on my “Anchored in Hope” podcast! Know that I pray for you every day, please pray for me.
In His love,
Fr. Larry
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Fr. Larry’s Parish: https://www.stjoesbol.org For
Fr. Larry’s Foundation https://www.thereasonforourhope.org
Fr. Larry’s Retreat Program: https://www.divinemercyencounter.com
Fr. Larry’s Men’s Conference: https://www.2232men.com
Fr. Larry’s Woman’s Conference: https://www.138women.com
Sign up on PODBEAN for all Fr. Larry’s homilies – this is the only way to get his Saturday homilies: https://frlarryrichards.podbean.com
Fr. Larry’s Foundation https://thereasonforourhope.org/donate
The Reason for our Hope Foundation 4506 Miller Ave. Erie, PA 16509
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7